

Doctor Josef Mengele conducted horrific experiments upon prisoners at Auschwitz Concentration Camp. He was pursued by Nazi-hunters, but evaded capture. It is a very sad fact that Mengele was only following a fine and hallowed tradition in science of conducting horrific and unethical experiments upon humans.

Scientists, even in modern times, in England and America, have conducted cruel and horrific experiments upon unwilling or unsuspecting (human) “patients” (or “subjects”). In general members of the scientific community have either been complicit or remained silent in regard to these appalling contraventions of human rights (presumably out of fear of reprisals and persecution as “whistle-blowers”). In case you think that I am exaggerating, here are some quotes from authoritative sources (This is just a small portion of the extensive database of scientific atrocities that I have compiled.):-

The following quotes are from the book Mass Murderers in White Coats – Psychiatric Genocide in Nazi Germany and The United States, by Lenny Lapon, Published by Psychiatric Genocide Research Institute (USA), 1986

Page 15:- “The first gas chambers were those operated by psychiatrists in 1939 at Brandenburg, one of six “euthanasia” installations in Nazi Germany for killing “mental patients”.”

Page 17:- “Psychiatrists and other doctors actually chose which concentration camp victims were to be killed, supposedly based on medical and psychiatric diagnoses.”

Page 21:- “In - - - 1939 - - - (in) the state psychiatric institution Eglfing-Haar in Nazi Germany - - - Doctor Pfannmueller, a psychiatrist and director of the institution explained the “euthanasia” - - - program. In the children’s ward twenty five children were being starved to death - - - The killing of “mental patients” was put into practice throughout Nazi Germany.”

Page 22:-“The extermination of “mentally Ill” - - - children was implemented under the direction of The Reich Committee for SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH of hereditary and severe Constitutional Diseases - - - - Children starved to death - - - included were - - - BEDWETTERS or - - - DIFFICULT TO EDUCATE.” (My capitals and highlighting.)

Page 23:- “Brandt - - - appointed - - - psychiatrists to act as - - - “consultants” in selecting the “mental patients” to be killed - - - Psychiatrist Paul Nitsche, editor of the German Journal for Mental Hygiene - - - was one of the most active “consultants” - - - The psychiatrists and doctors - - - -either did the gassing themselves or ordered it done.”

(My Comment:- The following quote is really disgusting – absolutely abhorrent and obscene!)

Page 31:- “In 1941 psychiatric killing institution Hadamar had a special celebration for the cremation of the ten thousandth “mental patient”. PSYCHIATRISTSs, nurses – ALL PARTICIPATED. Everyone received a bottle of beer for the occasion.” (My capitals.)

Page 37:- “Doctors with stopwatches would observe the dying patients through the peephole - - - - - at Castle Hartheim, and the length of the death struggle was clocked to one tenth of a second.” (My comment:- At least the killings were carried out “scientifically”!)

Page 38:-“The technology of mass extermination was developed at Hartheim - - - by psychiatrists using “mental patients” as their victims. When Hitler decided to begin killing The Jews - - - he called upon the psychiatrists - - - who were already experienced in these matters. They came with their technical knowledge and helped set up and administer the gas chambers.”

Page 39:-“The “Euthanasia” Program had the full cooperation of leading German psychiatrists - - - Doctor Max de Crinis was a professor - - - of The Department of Psychiatry at Berlin University - - - He supervised the killings at Sonnenstein.”

Page 40:- “Doctor Adolf Wahlman was a psychiatrist at The State “Hospital” Hadamar, where he ordered lethal injections for thousands of “mental patients”.”

Page 41:- “Doctor Schaltenbrand was a well known German neurologist who in 1943 reported that - - - he had “successfully” transmitted monkey encephalitis to “mental patients”.”

(My comment:- Scientific atrocities did not only occur in Nazi Germany. They have been standard scientific practice on a worldwide basis, and continue to this day. If you think that I am exaggerating read the following quotes from authoritative sources!)

Continuing to quote from the same book:-

Page 45:- At least 50,000 people were lobotomized in The United States during the 1940s, 1950s, and into the early 1960s.”

Page 75:-“(in) 1851 - - - - Doctor Samuel A. Cartwright created a mental illness peculiar to black people. The effort of a slave to gain his freedom by running away from the plantation, he said, was a symptom of a serious mental disease called Drapetomania.” (My comment:- It is indeed fortunate that we have “scientists” to assist human progress!)

Page 86:- “Franz J. Kallman - - - U.S. psychiatrist - - - - called for legal power to sterilize - - - “siblings of schizophrenics”.”

Page 86:- “(In ) 1942 U.S. Psychiatrist Foster Kennedy wrote an article - - - advocating the killing of “retarded children”.”

Page 92:- “(In) 1955 Doctor Saul Krugman conducted an experiment at Willowbrook State Hospital in New York, in which children - - - - labelled “retarded” were deliberately infected with active hepatitis virus.”

The next quote is from the book Ideology of Death, by John Weiss, published by Ivan R. Dee (Chicago), 1996, page 132:-

“German physicians were the single most over-represented professional group in The Nazi Party. Thousands cooperated with the euthanasia murders - - - careerism encouraged German academics to support the right - - - Progressive academics were rare indeed. Socialist tendencies could ruin one’s career.”

The next quotes come from the book The Language of the Genes, by Steve Jones, published by Flamingo, 1994,

Page 11:- “By 1936 - - - doctorates in racist science were offered at several universities - - - Half of those at The Wannsee Conference, which decided on the final solution of The Jewish Problem, had doctorates, mainly in anthropology. Many of them justified their crimes on scientific grounds.”

Page 246:- “The story of scientific racism - - - is a grim one.”

The next quote comes from the book The Pure Society from Darwin to Hitler, by Andre Pichot (researcher at the CNRS in Strasbourg, and one of France’s leading historians of science), published by Verso, 2009, pages 219 to 220:-

The author quotes Francis Crick (co-discoverer of the structure of DNA):- “New-born infants - - - tests regarding its genetic endowment, and if it fails these tests, it forfeits the right to live.”

The next quote is from the book What We Say Goes: Conversations on US Power in a Changing World: Noam Chomsky interviews with David Barsamian, published by Penguin Books, 2009, pages 74 to 75:-

“The particular case of Chile - - - seventeen years of dictatorship - - - Villa Grimaldi was one of the worst of Pinochet’s torture chambers - - - The tortures were horrifying. THE TORTURE WAS ALL SUPERVISED BY DOCTORS. This role was to ensure that the person who was being tortured didn’t die, BECAUSE THEY HAD TO BE KEPT ALIVE FOR THE NEXT STAGE OF THE TORTURE - - - - I asked - - - - “Where are those doctors?” He said “THEY’RE PRACTICING IN SANTIAGO.” ” (My capitals.)

The next quote is from the book Censored 2009. The Top 25 Censored Stories, edited by P. Phillips, A. Roth, and Project Censored, published by Seven Stories Press, 2008, pages 62 to 68, Article:- APA Complicit in CIA Torture:-

“Psychologists were - - taking part in procedures that have shocked - - - humanity - - - in charge of designing these brutal tactics and training interrogators in these techniques - - - - The APA (American Psychiatric Association) continues to allow its members to participate in detainee interrogations - - - - The APA policy has made the organisation an enabler of torture - - - - Psychologists who helped create the CIA’s brutal interrogation program - - - at Guantanamo Bay.”

The next quote is from The (London) i, October 7th 2019, page 13. Article:- Hepatitis Was Allowed To Spread In ‘70s:-

“Senior medics were aware that haemophiliacs were being given imported blood products that were making them sick with hepatitis. Instead of raising the alarm and stopping the spread of contaminated blood - - - The contaminated blood scandal left thousands of patients infected with hepatitis and HIV.”

The next quote is from the book Comrade Chikatilo, by Mikhail Krivich and Ol’Gert Ol’Gin, published by Barricade Books Inc., 1993, page 264:-

The Serbsky Institute in Moscow - - - gained world-wide opprobrium during the Brezhnev years for locking up (political) dissidents - - - on the pretext that they were mentally ill.”

The next quote is from TLS (Times Literary Supplement), July 27th 2018, page 13:- Article:- Brilliant and Mad, by Boris Dralyuk (Review of the book State of Madness, by Rebecca Reich):-

Poet and mathematician Alexander Volpin, who had been repeatedly confined to Soviet psychiatric institutions for his dissident activities - - - - punitive psychiatry - - - The “Moscow School” of psychiatry founded by Andre Snezhnevsky, introduced a classification scheme of syndromes and disorders so comprehensive that just about anyone could find themselves ensnared in a diagnostic trap - - - The Moscow School’s claims to total objectivity - - - Diagnosis was - - as Snezhnevsky himself admitted - - - a “creative act”, even an “art” - - -The categories (of sanity and insanity) were indeed ambiguous.”

The next quote is from New Scientist (magazine), 10th February 2018, pages 42 to 43. Article Facing Down the Wolves in White Coats, by Fred Pearce:-

“BRITISH DOCTORS has long resisted ethical codes - - - (Maurice) Papworth (author of the book Human Guinea Pigs) - - - found that abuses were happening on a shocking scale - - - He catalogued more than 200 examples of ABUSIVE RESEARCH - - - - IN THE UK. AND US. Much of it was stomach churning - - - In one study doctors reported BORING HOLES INTO THE SKULLS of people who were in hospital for conditions unrelated to the research. They then inserted tubes to measure the effect on the brain of squeezing the veins in the subject’s neck; had them breathe carbon dioxide - - - injected acid into their bodies - - - In one study, 13 - - - babies had catheters inserted into their hearts - - - with facemasks to deprive them of oxygen, simply to see how their bodies would respond. - - - - Doctors injected unsuspecting people with malaria parasites, meningitis bacteria, live polio virus - - - US hospitals were - - - injecting (highly dangerous radio-active) plutonium into people - - - to find what was a “safe” dose.” (My capitals.)

The next quotes are all from the book Human Guinea Pigs, by M.H. Papworth M.D., published by Beacon Press, Boston, USA, 1968:-

Page 3:- It has become a common occurrence for the (medical) investigator to take risks with patients of which those patients are not fully aware - - - in some cases deliberately to retard the recovery from that disease so that investigation of a particular condition can be extended - - - - There has been, on the part of editors of professional journals, - - censorship of - - protest.”

Page 4:- Many investigations have been done which have been harmful to patients - - - SUCH EXPERIMENTS ARE NEVER CARRIED OUT ON PRIVATE PATIENTS. THEY ARE RESERVED FOR WHAT IS KNOWN AS THE “HOSPITAL CLASS”. (My capitals.)

Page 41:- “Both groups were injected with blood from other patients who were ill with malaria. - - - The question of consent is not mentioned in the report.”

Pages 47 to 48:- This details an experiment giving a lumbar puncture to pregnant women – “One woman died of meningeal haemorrhage following the lumbar puncture.”

Page 53:- “When these needles were in position, all 105 patients were made to inhale a radioactive gas.”

Page 57:- A mentally defective infant - - -was injected with the dye - - - because of the destruction of its blood cells by the methylene blue (dye), the infant developed an acute haemolytic anaemia, with jaundice.”

Page 59 to 60:- The author quotes Nobel Prize winner Doctor Alexis Carrel of The Rockefeller Institute, New York:- “Vast sums - - - spent upon the maintenance of - - lunatic asylums - - Why do we keep these useless and dangerous creatures alive? - - - The ideal solution would be to eliminate all such individuals - - - sentimental prejudice - - - not entitled to a hearing.”

Pages 61 to 62:- SOME OF THE GERMAN DOCTORS ON TRIAL AT NUREMBERG IN 1947 CITED AS PART OF THEIR DEFENCE - - - REPORTS OF EXPERIMENTS - - GATHERED FROM WORLD MEDICAL LITERATURE - - - (AS) JUSTIFICATION OF THEIR OWN ACTIVITIES: The following - - - AMERICAN EXPERIMENTS WERE CITED - - - - Colonel Strong (later Professor of Tropical Medicine at Harvard) - - - without the knowledge of the victims to infect with plague a group of criminals - - - Later Colonel Strong produced beri-beri (paralysis and heart failure) in - - - Phillipine convicts. One of these died as a result.- - - - Professor Weltz who had carried out - - - experiments at Dachau referred to the work of Goldberger who produced the disease of pellagra (dementia) in 12 Mississippi convicts, who became seriously ill. - - In Chicago - - - Convicts were infected with malaria.” (My capitals.)

(My comment:- The reader will now begin to see that the horrific experiments of Doctor Josef Mengele and other Nazi concentration camp “butchers” are not all that different from the practices of scientists in western (supposedly) “civilised” countries.)

Pages 127 to 128:- “Therefore, argue these research workers, it is justifiable to produce syncope, diabetic coma, HEART OR LIVER FAILURE in patients - - - in order that such research can be speedily undertaken. - - - Subjects whose physical condition has been deliberately allowed to deteriorate, so that their worsened state presents the experimenter with the particular condition he wants to investigate - - - - Insulin was withheld from all the diabetics for two days - - - making the patients - - -comatose, and their general condition precarious. (The author tells us that this was at HAMMERSMITH HOSPITAL IN LONDON IN 1951, not in the middle ages, not in Auschwitz, not under Doctor Josef Mengele, but overseen by BRITISH SCIENTISTS!) (My capitals.)

Page 131:- “Deliberately produced - - - liver failure - - - administering various known toxic substances such as ammonium chloride.”

Page 133:- The author recounts a letter he sent to The Lancet (major medical journal) detailing many of these scientific atrocities. The letter was published “in a severely mutilated form”. He was told by The Assistant Editor of The Lancet:- “There are occasions - - - when the plainest speaking is justified, but I am not convinced that this is one of them.”

Page 137:- AS EXPECTED, many of the patients with liver disease became much worse as a direct result of the administration of nitrogenous substances.” (My capitals.)

Page 143:- “In order to study circulatory collapse it is common for experimenters not to wait for the patient to be admitted to hospital in this state, BUT TO PRODUCE IT DELIBERATELY.” (My capitals.)

Page 181:- “An outstanding example of the PURPOSEFUL WITHHOLDING OF A BENEFICIAL DRUG - - - the antibiotic chloramphenicol was - - - of proved value in the treatment of typhoid. During the years 1951 to 1957 they looked after 480 - - - cases of typhoid and gave 251 the antibiotic, but withheld it in 157 cases - - - ABOUT TWENTY PEOPLE DIED (in this experiment).” (My capitals.)


Page 182:- It had been established already that Retrolental Fibroplasia (RLF), a condition leading to blindness in infants was caused by treating premature infants with high oxygen concentrations. However, a group of doctors, who were fully aware of this, wanted to be doubly certain of this correlation. The author tells us that:- “Thirty six premature infants were given high oxygen concentrations fopr 2 weeks, and EIGHT DEVELOPED IRREVERSIBLE BLINDNESS” The author then comments:- “So, in the name of “science”, worshippers at the shrine of the controlled series RENDERED EIGHT INFANTS BLIND to prove what others considered to have been previously established.” (My capitals.)

Page 186:- The author makes the following comment:- “Where can we draw the line between the experiments (in concentration camps) done in Germany between 1939 and 1945 and some of those recorded in this book (in America and England) between 1945 and 1966 - - - The moral indifference to the sufferings - - - was favoured by a MEDICAL IDEOLOGY WHICH PUTS HUMAN BEINGS ON THE LEVEL OF A - - - FROG OR GUINEA PIG.” (My capitals,)

Page 200:- Some doctors even dispute the need for any ethical code. Some complain that they are unduly restrictive.”

Page 205:- “I have myself seen on several occasions patients ordered to be discharged immediately from hospital for daring to question the treatment meted out to them.”

Page 206:- There have been no cases in Britain - - - of any patient - - - awarded damages - - - - against experimental physicians - - - it would be very difficult to persuade any medical expert witness to give evidence on behalf of a patient–plaintiff.”

The following quote is from New Statesman (magazine) September 25th to October 1st, 2015, page 70:- Article:- Flying The Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ian Thomson:- (Commenting on Italy’s madhouses of the 1980s) “Patients - - - beaten or tortured - - - a system of punishment and control - - - arrogant and condescending attitude - - - of the old-school psychiatrist. - - - Basaglia was moved to equate the asylum system to Nazi concentration camps.”

(My comment:- The following quote is really sickening. )

The following quote is from the book The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire, by Arundhati Roy, published by Flamingo, 2004, page 61:-

“Here is an American pilot talking about the joys of napalm. “We sure are pleased WITH THOSE BACKROOM BOYS AT DOW (ie:- DOW CHEMICAL). The original product wasn’t so hot. If the gooks were quick, they could scrape it off. So the boys started adding polystyrene - - - now it sticks like shit to a blanket. But then if the gooks jumped under water, it stopped burning, so they started adding Willie Peter (white phosphorus) so’s to make it burn better. It’ll even burn under water now. - - - It’ll keep on burning right down to the bone so they die anyway of phosphorus poisoning.” (My capitals.)

(My comment:- Let me emphasise that – according to this account – this chemical was produced BY SCIENTISTS working for Dow Chemical.)

The next quotes are from the book Known Unknowns, by Charles Saatchi, published by Booth-Clibborn Editions (undated),

Page 187:- Saatchi recounts how Doctor Edward Jenner tested his vaccination theory. He “cut open his boy (ie:- his son) and placed cowpox bacteria beneath the skin, let - - - the wound heal, and then place the pus from a smallpox sufferer into a second incision on the boy’s skin. - - - Doctor Jenner also tested his theory on other children - - - and HAD THE EXPERIMENT NOT WORKED, HE WOULD NOW BE REMEMBERED AS ONE OF THE MOST NOTORIOUS, HORRIFIC CHILD MURDERERS IN HISTORY.”

Pages 307 to 308:- Saatchi discusses American surgeon Evan O’Neill Kane. Every time Kane performed surgery on a patient, “he tattooed the letter K in morse code onto his patients, using Indian ink, branding them as a patient of his.”

The next quote is from the book Censored 2007. The Top 25 censored Stories, by Peter Phillips and Project censored, published by Seven Stories Press, 2006, page 152 to 154. Article Child Wards of The State Used in AIDS Experiments.

“An allegation that AIDS drugs were tested on young orphans - - - - the testing sponsor pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline - - - Without parents to give consent - - - children as young as three months old - - - were exposed to dangerous side effects of experimental drug regimens - - - CONDUCTED BY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DOCTORS - - - predominantly Hispanic and African American children - - - dangerous if not lethal side effects - - - overall mortality while receiving this study drug was significantly higher.”

The next quote is from the book In Our Own Image. Eugenics and the genetic Modification of People, by David Galton (Professor at The Department of Human Metabolism and Genetics, St Bartholomews Hospital, London), published by Brown and co, 2001, page 103:-

“Reports of secret STERILIZATION EXPERIMENTS IN NORWEGIAN HOSPITALS involving mentally retarded patients - - - - UP TO 1994 - - - - PSYCHIATRISTS AND DOCTORS KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON.” (My capitals.)

The next quotes are from the book The great Billion Dollar Medical Swindle, by Keith Alan Lasko M.D., published by Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1980:-

Pages 98 to 100:- The author gives an account of a “mid-western medical school hospital” that conducted secret experiments. “helpless psychiatric patients – without their consent – were subjected to experimental brain surgery, removal of their adrenal glands - - - -insulin overdose - - - records of the surgery were destroyed”. The author then comments:- “Not Auschwitz – Chicago - - - USA.” The author continues:- “In one American prison recently, black prisoners were injected with active syphilis germs. No treatment was given, and the doctors - - - waited for the permanent effects of advanced syphilis to show up.” The author then comments:- “It was doctors, M.D.s, who did the “research” in Auschwitz.”

Page 125:- A California M.D. was indicted in May 1979 for sodomy - - - on five unconscious women - - - THIS DOCTOR’S SEXUAL ACTIVITY WITH COMATOSE PATIENTS WAS APPARENTLY NOTICED TWO FULL YEARS BEFORE HE WAS FORCED TO RESIGN.” (My capitals and highlighting.)

The next quote is from the book Elephants on Acid. The Most Outrageous Experiments From the History of Science, by Alex Boese (who holds a Master’s Degree in History of Science for The University of California), published by Pan Books, 2016, pages 74 to 80:- Article Beneficial Brainwashing.

The article discusses the activities of Doctor Ewen Cameron, Director of The Allan Memorial Clinic in Montreal, Canada. He decided to “wipe schizophrenic patients’ minds clean, erasing all their memories” - - - “Step one was the Mind Wipe - - - electroshock - - - multiple times a day at levels six times the normal charge - - - massive doses of LSD - - - reducing patients to waking zombies - - - In the journal Comprehensive Psychiatry, Cameron wrote - - - “There is complete amnesia for all events of his life” - - - Cameron - - - conceded his experiments had been a ten year trip down a wrong road”

The next quote come from the book Medical Blunders, by K. Youngson and I. Schott, published by Robinson Publishing, 1996, pages 270 to 276:-

This section deals with Walter Freeman, a Professor of Neurology who performed thousands of lobotomies (quoting Freeman verbatim) “AMAZING POTENTIAL FOR CONTROLLING SOCIETY’S MISFITS - - - HOMOSEXUALS, COMMUNISTS etc” - - - - EVEN PROBLEM CHILDREN WERE BEING LOBOTOMIZED.” (My capitals.)

(My comment:- The next quote shows – in case the reader might be in any doubt – that lobotomy is an extremely harmful operation, with zero benefit.)

The following quote is from New Scientist (magazine) 31st March, 2018, pages 42 to 43. Article:- Doctor Feel Good, by Lone Frank:-

The article discusses the work of Robert Heath, Chief of Neurology and Psychiatry at Tulane University in New Orleans. “Heath had evaluated people who had been lobotomized - - - and concluded that this process - - - did precious little to help, and often caused debilitating, irreversible side-effects.” (My comment:- I included this quote just in case any reader might not be aware that lobotomy is a “Mengele operation”, performed by “butchers”, and an outrageous, obscene contravention of human rights, albeit perpetrated by “scientists”!)

The next quotes come from the book Medical Blunders, by K. Youngson and I. Schott, published by Robinson Publishing, 1996:-

Page 346:- The authors discuss The Tuskagee Syphilis Study of 1932. The doctors chose black men who had syphilis. The doctors did not inform the victims of this experiment that they had syphilis, They simply took regular blood samples, and (over the next 30 years) simply watched people die. The authors comment that:- “The syphilis sufferers, all poor, and with a low standard of education, were told neither the name nor the nature of their disease. - - - It would, of course, have been impossible to conduct such research among a white population - - - Where possible, the researchers actually prevented the subjects from receiving effective treatment” (My comment:- NOW THIS IS THE TRULY AMAZING PART OF THIS ACCOUNT) The authors tell us that “NO FEWER THAN THIRTEEN ARTICLES ON IT WERE PUBLISHED IN THE SCIENTIFIC PRESS BETWEEN 1936 AND 1970”. (My capitals.)


Now I am going to provide some further quotes from the same book (Medical Blunders), but without telling the reader where the experiments were performed, whether in Nazi concentration camps, or in English and American hospitals. The reader has to try and guess.

First quote:- Created wounds - - - inserting shards of glass - - - and metal splinters.

Second quote:- “were thrust into a gas chamber, and engulfed with mustard gas, and arsenic based gasses.”

Third quote:- “were injected with live cancer cells.”

Fourth quote:- One of the “scientists” commented that the victims of the experiments “are fine experimental material, and much cheaper than monkeys.”

Fifth quote:- A “scientist” urged that sterility drugs should be placed into reservoirs.”

Sixth quote:- “A psychiatrist - - - injected - - patients with turpentine. Other remedies involved - - - pulling their teeth, and surgically removing - - - gonads.”

Reading the above, it is hard to tell which procedures were the work of doctors in the Nazi concentration camps and which procedures were carried out in “civilised” countries such as England and the United States. Now I will enlighten the reader with the full quotes:-

The following quotes are from the book Medical Blunders, by K. Youngson and I. Schott, published by Robinson Publishing, 1996:-

Pages 330 to 331:- “Professor and Doctor of Medicine Karl Gebhardt - - - created wounds in - - - - - female prisoners - - - inserting shards of glass - - - and metal splinters” (This apparently came out at The Nuremberg Trials.

Page 337:- The authors give an account of medical experiments in 1943 in Washington D.C. “Seventeen year old naval novices - - - were thrust into a gas chamber, and engulfed with mustard gas and arsenic based gases.” - - - This research “crippled the lungs and shortened the lives of hundreds.”

Page 338:- “At Ohio State prison, inmates were injected with live cancer cells.”

Page 339:- One AMERICAN scientist was heard to say “Criminals in our penitentiaries are fine experimental material, and much cheaper than monkeys.”

The following quote is from the book A Jealous God. Science’s Crusade Against Religion, by Pamela R. Winnick, published by Nelson Current, 2005, pages 34 to 35:-

“Paul R. Ehrlich, a young biology professor AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY - - - urged the US Government to put sterility drugs in reservoirs.”

The following quote is from the book The Undiscovered Mind, by John Horgan (a Senior Writer at Scientific American magazine), published by Weidenfeld and \Nicolson, 1999, pages 105 to 109:-

“A psychiatrist at Verdun Protestant Hospital in Montreal injected psychotic patients with turpentine - - - and other toxins. Other remedies involved - - - pulling their teeth, and surgically removing - - - - gonads - - - and other glands.”

The following quotes are from the book Science And The Swastika, by Adrian Beale, published by Channel 4 Books, 2001:-

Pages 96 to 97:- The author describes Jews being herded into a gas chamber, and carbon monoxide being pumped in. This is under the supervision of SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Professor Pfannenstiel, Professor of Health Studies at The University of Marburg.

Page 97:- “It is instructive to record how committed the doctors were to the euthanasia programme.”

Pages 126 to 128:- The author tells of a doctor named Doctor Sigmund Rascher who experimented on Dachau inmates, using a “low pressure chamber” in which “around a hundred inmates of Dachau were killed.” We are told:- “About half an hour after breathing had stopped, dissection was started.”

Page 130:- We are told how Doctor Rascher placed subjects “in a tank of freezing water for hours on end.”

Page 135:- We are told how Doctor Rascher, by his experiments, gained “an academic post at The University of Strasburg.”

Page 137:- We are told how Doctor Schilling infected some 1200 Dachau inmates with malaria.

Pages 140 to 142:- We are told of experiments at Ravensbruck Concentration Camp where a group of doctors created wounds, and infected these wounds with a range of bacteria. One of the victims recounts:- “I saw my leg – The incision went so deep that I could see the bone.”

Page 147:- “Just as with the euthanasia programme, the horrifying fact remains that much of the brutality was carried out – not by hardened SS men, BUT BY DOCTORS - - - Many of the research projects which USED HUMAN SUBJECTS WERE GENERATED BY THE DOCTORS THEMSELVES.” (My capitals.)

Pages 147 to 148:- We are told of the experiments of Doctor Josef Mengele, who decided which inmates of Auschwitz would die, and who harvested organs to send as experimental samples to his academic mentor Professor Ottmar Verrschuer, at The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Hereditary Biology in Berlin. We are told that Mengele hoped to gain a prestigious academic post by means of these experiments.

Page 210:- The author tells of The “Doctors’ Trial” at the US Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. This was a trial of 24 doctors accused of human experimentation on concentration camps inmates. (Now quoting the author):- “ONE ASPECT OF THE DEFENCE ADOPTED BY MANY OF THOSE TRIED AT NUREMBERG WAS THAT HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION WAS COMMONPLACE AND WIDELY PRACTICED IN THE USA. THIS WAS, OF COURSE, TRUE.” (My capitals.)

The examples provided in this present chapter are only a small portion of the very extensive database of scientific atrocities that I have available.

The material on this web site is also available in the book The Dishonesty of Science, by Roger Elliott (available on Amazon).