

Here is a quote from New Scientist (magazine) March 23rd, 2019, page 7, Article Science’s Dark Secret is Out, by Clare Wilson. “A quarter of people working in science have experienced sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination - - - - Some high profile researchers have harassed and bullied with impunity.”

|Here is a quote from New Scientist (magazine), November 10th, 2018, pages 32 to 37. Article – Why are There so Few Women in Physics? – by Valerie Jamieson:- “Several cases have come to light recently of male physicists sexually harassing their female students, and of universities being ATROCIOUSLY SLOW TO ACT - - - MORE THAN 50 PERCENT OF FEMALE LECTURERS AND STAFF AT ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS HAVE BEEN SEXUALLY HARRASSED.” (My capitals.)

This quote is from New Statesman (magazine), 26th October to 1st November, 2018, page 60. Article:- Health Matters, by Doctor Nishat Siddiqi “I was - - - saddened - - - to hear that EVERY FEMALE DOCTOR I KNOW - - - HAD EXPERIENCED SEXUAL HARRASSMENT OR ABUSE - - - NINETEEN DOCTORS WERE STRUCK OFF - - - FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT OR RAPE - - -between 2014 and 2017. - - - Not one woman who told me about it had any intention of reporting it, FEARING REPERCUSSIONS (My capitals.)

The material on this web site is also available in the book The Dishonesty of Science, by Roger Elliott (available on Amazon).