

I wrote (or compiled) this book for one simple reason. Academic Astronomers decided to censor THE OCTANTS RULE, which is a strange (and “spooky”), and inexplicable feature of The Solar System, which clearly illustrates the fact that all the planets and satellites have their movements very precisely synchronized with The Earth Day, and with The Earth Year. Newtonian Physics cannot explain why this happens, in which case, the “prestige” of academic astronomers is reduced. To avoid this loss of “prestige”, a powerful cabal of academic astronomers issued a “directive”, known amongst astronomers as The R - - - - - Directive (Name redacted due to threats of litigation by Professor R - - - - - of C - - - - - - University). This directive forbids the mention or discussion of synchronization of the movements of Solar System bodies by academic astronomers – penalty loss of career! They can do this! They can actually CENSOR verifiable scientific facts, and they can get away with it. (Will they “get away with it? NOT ON MY WATCH! Not while I live and breathe!)

I am outraged at such dishonesty! That is why I wrote (compiled) this present book. I will withdraw this book (and take down the companion website – – you can use all lower case letters to type in this URL) when Academic astronomers rescind The R - - - - Directive, and fully acknowledge The Octants Rule, and include it in astronomy and astrophysics courses in the universities. The R - - - Directive is a disgrace to science, and calls into question the honesty of ALL scientists! If astronomers are willing to lie to the public about The Solar System, then how can we believe ANYTHING that ANY scientists tell us?

You can read about The Octants Rule in my book The Octants Rule in The Solar System (Subtitle:- Showing How The Movements of Planets and Satellites are Very Precisely Synchronized With The Movements of Planet Earth), or go to the companion website (You can use all lower case letters to type this URL.)

Alternatively, turn to Chapter 15 of this present book to see a “whistle-stop” presentation of The Octants Rule.

You can also see the names of academic astronomers who are complicit in The R - - - - Directive on the website

(You can use all lower case letters when typing in this URL.)


An article in The (London) Evening Standard (January 13th, 2021, page 12, article by Anne McElvoy – Dangers of the anti-vax movement should not be underestimated.) tell us that “So far about 80 percent of people in the UK are fine with being vaccinated. That leaves a fifth who are either uncertain or actively sceptical or opposed - - - - - a significant problem with people refusing the vaccine.”

An article in New Scientist (magazine) January 23rd, 2021, pages 12 to 13. Article:- Covid 19 Why Eradication is Unlikely – states that “In some countries many people say they will refuse the vaccine, such as France, where only 4 in 10 people want it.”

This suggests that people have a deep distrust of scientists. The unfortunate fact is that scientists have left no stone unturned in their apparent efforts to earn this distrust!

If you think that I am exaggerating, continue reading the various chapters of this book. You will discover that science is NOT (I repeat – NOT) about the disinterested pursuit of objective truth. It is almost entirely about financial profits, and exploitation of the public, and betrayal of the public’s trust. Unfortunately, the truth takes a (very) back seat!

Here is a quote from an article in The Spectator, April 7th, 2018, page 25 – Article “Why it’s time to stop fetishing experts”, by James Delingpole:-

“In 2015, the editor of The Lancet, Richard Horton, confessed in an article that “MUCH OF THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE, PERHAPS HALF, MAY SIMPLY BE UNTRUE.” (Delingpole continues):- many peer-reviewed studies are simply not worth the candle; some because they are merely shoddy, others because THEY ARE FRAUDULENT,” (My capitals.)

Here is a quote from New Scientist (magazine), April 9th, 2022, pages 45 to 48, Article:- “Failure to Replicate”, by Clare Wilson:- “Biotech firm Amgen investigated 53 landmark papers (in biology) and found that only 1 in 10 could be replicated.”