

Here are some quotes from the book Conflict in The Cosmos – Fred Hoyle’s Life in Science, by Simon Mitton, published by Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC, 2005

Page 326:- The author quotes Fred Hoyle “When Doctor (Jocelyn) Bell confirmed her initial findings (regarding pulsars), her directors kept it secret for months – no one in the group was allowed to speak to anyone else on the outside”

Page 328:- (Professor Martin) Ryle (having previously considered legal action against Hoyle) settled for a written undertaking from Hoyle not to criticise the radio astronomy group ever again. Ryle made it quite clear he would resort to the courts if Hoyle dared to break the gag order.”

Here are quotes from the book A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson, Published by Black Swan, 2004.

Page 55:- When - - - - - Robert Oppenheimer turned his attention to neutron stars in a landmark paper, he made not a single reference to Zwicky’s work, even though Zwicky had been working for years on the same problem.”

Pages 118 to 122:- Bryson discusses palaeontologist Richard Owen. “None suffered more from Owen’s unkindly attentions than Gideon Mantell. (Mantell had an accident that left him crippled and disabled.) “Capitalizing on Mantell’s enfeebled state, Owen set about systematically expunging his contribution from the record, renaming species that Mantell had named years before, and claiming credit for their discovery for himself. - - - Owen used his influence at The Royal; Society to ensure that most of his (Mantell’s) papers were rejected.”

Here are some quotes from the book Free radicals, The Secret Anarchy of Science, by Michael Brooks (who holds a Ph.D. in quantum physics, and is a consultant at New Scientist magazine), published by Profile Books, 2011, pages 6 to 7:- (Scientists) - - - try to entrap one another, standing in their colleague’s way to block progress and maintain the lead. - - - When Robert Hooke and Gottfried Liebniz made breakthroughs, (Isaac) Newton fought ferociously to deny them credit for their work.”

The material on this web site is also available in the book The Dishonesty of Science, by Roger Elliott (available on Amazon).