

Darwinism is pseudoscience that employs censorship, faked data, coercion, and reprisals. In this chapter, I will provide one egregious instance of deliberately faked data. Ernst Haeckel published a series of deliberately faked drawings in order to support Darwinism. In case you think that I am exaggerating, read the quotes below:-

These quotes are from the book Icons of Evolution, by Jonathan Wells, published by Regnery Publishing Inc., 2000, pages 81 to 109:- If early stage embryos of reptiles looked very similar to early stage embryos of humans, it might bolster the theory that humans evolved from reptiles. German biologist Ernst Haeckel (1834 to 1919) produced drawings of embryos that indeed made early stage reptile embryos look very similar to early stage human embryos. Darwin relied on the representation, and was greatly influenced by them. However - - - (Wells tells us) “Biologists have known for over a century that Haeckel FAKED HIS DRAWINGS. Vertebrate embryos never look as similar as he made them out to be” - - - - - (My capitals.)

On page 92 of the same book, Wells quotes an article in the March 2000 issue of (the journal) Natural History by Stephen Jay Gould (Professor of Geology at Harvard University) stating that Haeckel’s drawings are characterized by “inaccuracies and OUTRIGHT FALSIFICATION” (My capitals.)

On page 108 of the same book, Wells again quotes Stephen Jay Gould. Gould described Haeckel’s faking of his drawings (of embryos) as “this academic equivalent of murder,”

On page 109 of the same book, Wells tells us that STEPHEN JAY GOULD WAS AWARE OF HAECKEL’S FAKED DRAWINGS, BUT KEPT QUIET ABOUT THEM FOR TWENTY YEARS! (My comment:- For a scientist to draw attention to any of the faked data of Darwinian pseudoscience is dangerous to their career. Only when they have achieved an unassailable academic position and stature can they then afford to tell the truth. The fact that Gould had to wait twenty years before he DARED to speak out demonstrates the atmosphere of coercion, censorship, and reprisals that prevails in the universities.) (My capitals.)

The material on this web site is also available in the book The Dishonesty of Science, by Roger Elliott (available on Amazon).